Kristen Stewart named one of Celebuzz’s Hottest Celebrity Vegetarians

Happy National Vegetarian Week! In honor of all the non-meat-eating celebs in Hollywood, Celebuzz has decided to tip our hats to those who have become full-fledged vegetarians.
From Kristen Stewart to Lea Michele, there are loads of stars who choose to be vegetarian and vegan. Even though they’re steering clear of our steak dinner offers, we’re glad they’re sticking to a healthy eating plan.
Kristen Stewart. Not only is KStew an active vegetarian off-screen, she also reportedly refuses to be filmed eating meat, real or faux. Now that’s some serious dedication!
Source: Celebuzz

Celebuzz: Top 30 Possible Celebrity Sex Faces – Rob, Kristen and Taylor Mentioned

Kristen Stewart. „Well that left a bad taste in my mouth.“ („Е, това остави много лош вкус в устата ми„)

Robert Pattinson. „Ahhh yeah, I’ll give you a vampire bite… on your LADY PARTS!!“ („Ооо, да, ще ти дам вампирско ухапване… по твоите дамски части!!!„)

Taylor Lautner. We have it on good authority that this is what Taylor Lautner does right at the end of sex. (Това е нещото, което Тайлър прави веднага след секс.)
