Stephenie Meyer talks about the birth scene

Stephenie Meyer recalls filming the climactic birth scene. Watch the behind-the-scenes clip of Edward (Robert Pattinson) trying to revive Bella (Kristen Stewart) as Stephenie explains:
He was really able to touch the human emotions of that scene. Rob really nailed it,“ Stephenie recalled. „It was really powerful. I teared up, several people near me did. It was just a lump in your throat—that moment of thinking you’ve lost everything and not being able to accept it. It was really emotional.“
Yet, as fraught as that life-or-death moment was, we can’t help but smile at the quick shot of director Bill Condon fist-pumping when Rob nailed it. Very sweet.
via RPLife

Breaking Dawn LA Press Conference – Bill and Stephenie Talk About Rob and Kristen

Bill Condon

Q: What was it like entering this big franchise?
Bill: I wanted to put my take on the material, but still please the fans and still have a cinematic experience. Making two films wasn’t fun either. Kidding, it was fun. But it was hard. But people like Kristen had days where she’d be a vampire in the morning, pregnant in the afternoon, dead at night. It was difficult some days.

Question: When did the cast give you enlightenment?
Bill: The first people who arrived were Rob, Kristen, and Taylor. We just sat in a room talking about every page through the script. They showed a tremendous amount – when an actor embodies a role you’ll know it more than they ever will.
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The Alternate Ending of ‘Eclipse’ by Stephenie Meyer

You will be surprised to know that at some point Stephenie Meyer had an alternate ending to Eclipse, the third book in the series. At that time, Meyer said that publishers were concerned that the series will go to waste if there were not many books, so the plan was cut into three.
While Meyer already had ideas about the stories of their characters beyond a third book, she agreed to come to an end for Eclipse that would carry the series to an end. In August 2010, Stephanie gave an interview that currently is available in where he spoke about the thought process that was in the alternate ending, but ultimately declined to give the most important details.
That’s because it says there is still a possibility that she could write the alternate ending and make it available to their fans. She is worried that fans will see how the book ends as real as the false, and is cautious about anything that disrupts the continuity of its history to its fans. This is what he had to say about it …
“So if I say, I can not write. And then … then you’ve destroyed. But hey, there was a certain point in time there was not much faith in the series and they told me to put an end to three. And I never planned to do that … you know that said … I had three books right? It was not supposed to be three books and I had this idea in my head it was a long series.
And he said: ‘No, I must stop this. “Because you know if something demasiedo lengthen time loses its essence or whatever. And the story was so wide. There were so many things that were not made and if it had ended there, would have to be a radical end. Um, radically different. There [are] some elements of fantasy do not think people would have seen it coming. I do not think they would have responded well. My mother hated him! I hated the ending. My sister was fine with that. And you know that I could see it was because there were some things … Some people, the characters are linked by certain aspects of the characters, and now I’m going to sound bad, very bad but I went with some people. But once I started thinking I was really intrigued by this conversation. There was a very dramatic scene where Bella does not know what is happening and the images were too strong for me. And then I wanted to write. You know it when nobody cared about the books and could do what I wanted, I wanted that Bree was on the website. That was the plan from the beginning. I would write this final alternative, the worse the people bother if I write this? There is a possibility. Oh, and then people are going to think? ‘Oh, this is the real one and this is the final false. “When you do not know … that is not an alternative. This is how I could have gone. But he did and how I like it. ”

Stephenie Meyer, Wyck Godfrey and Melissa Rosenberg at Breaking Dawn Wedding Scene

Via Lasagarobsten

Оказа се, че Стефани, Уйк и Мелиса са сред гостите на сватбата на Бела и Едуард. 🙂 Е, какво по-яко от това да можеш да присъстваш на сватбата на собствения си измислен герой… 🙂

Stephenie Meyer’s ‘The Host’ lead role has been casted!

EXCLUSIVE: Saoirse Ronan has been set to star in The Host, the screen adaptation of the bestselling novel by Twilight Saga author Stephenie Meyer. Scripted by Andrew Niccol, the film figures to be one of the hot titles when Inferno launches sales at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival next week. Niccol, who was originally set to direct, might resurface as the filmmaker.

Ronan, the Oscar-nominated star of Atonement, The Lovely Bones and most recently Hanna, will play Melanie Stryder, one of the last humans putting up a fight against an alien species called Souls. These parasites invade human bodies, fuse to each person’s consciousness and systematically erase their personalities. Melanie is captured by the aliens and implanted by a Soul called Wanderer, something of a legend because of all of the „hosts“ she has attached to on numerous planets. Wanderer’s goal is to get Melanie to give up the remaining pockets of humans, but instead the alien finds Melanie to be unique in her unwillingness to surrender her consciousness. Wanderer is so overwhelmed by Melanie’s memories and feelings, the alien is driven to reconnect with Melanie’s old life.
The concept is more of a visual challenge than Meyer’s Twilight Saga books, but one thing they plan is for Ronan to play both Melanie and Wanderer. Meyer’s book has an enormous fan base, and the author had long resisted offers to sell it. She finally made a deal two years ago with producers Nick Wechsler and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz, who’d done the adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road together.

They deliberately developed the script outside the studio system, and invited the author to be very hands on in the adaptation. Meyer was involved down to choosing Niccol because she was such a fan of his films Gattaca and his script for The Truman Show. Niccol wrote the script to direct, but left to direct Now with Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried and Cillian Murphy. Nanny McPhee Returns director Susanna White was briefly attached, but that isn’t happening. Niccol, now done with his film, is once again in the mix as possible helmer. Inferno’s Marc Butan, Jim Seibel, Bill Johnson are exec producing and Roger Schwartz is co-producer. The film’s being funded by the producers and Inferno.

Meyer and Wechsler will attend the festival to present the project to buyers with the Inferno team.


What We Learned From Stephenie Meyer’s ‘The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide’

The official 543-page encyclopedia to Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series hit bookstores Tuesday, offering in-depth profiles of even the most peripheral characters, outtakes from the novels, genealogical charts, and original illustrations (including the sketch of Bella’s wedding dress seen exclusively on last week). Meyer clearly wanted The Illustrated Guide to supplement her series, to put on paper the world she carried for so long in her head. Some of the book’s notable tidbits:

—It includes a 2008 Q&A between Meyer and her friend Shannon Hale (Princess Academy) in which Meyer says Jacob was originally an afterthought. “Jacob was born — as a device really — to tell Bella what she needed to know [about Edward being a vampire].”

—Edward’s first human victim was actually Esme’s abusive ex-husband from her pre-vampire days. (Edward tracked him down and sought vengeance for his adopted mother.)

—When Quileute Leah Clearwater first turned into a werewolf, the shock of seeing her transformation caused her father (and Charlie Swan’s best friend) Harry Clearwater to have a heart attack.

—Bella’s parents met at First Beach, on the La Push reservation, during Charlie’s rookie year on the police force. They fell in love and were married within a few weeks.

—Meyer offers an annotated playlist of songs that influenced certain moments in the series. The description of Edward and Bella’s first dance as husband and wife was inspired by Muse’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You.”

—The book outtakes include a section cut from New Moon in which Bella got high on Percocet after slugging Jacob and hurting her hand. “How’s your arm?” “I can’t feel it. Is it still there?”


Via Gossip_Dance

10 stories you might have missed: Stephenie Meyer „surprised“ by Kristen Stewart’s ‘“Breaking Dawn“ turn

Stephenie Meyer ‘surprised’ by Kristen Stewart’s ‘Breaking Dawn’ vampire turn

„Twilight“ mastermind Stephenie Meyer sat down for a two-day roundtable discussion with ten contest-winners at a Vancouver hotel last Friday and Saturday. The author answered a handful of burning questions asked by the lucky Twi-Hards in attendance, USA Today reports.
While Meyer said she doubts she’ll write another series based on Edward and Bella (played by Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the films), she’s still hoping to complete „Midnight Sun,“ the novel told from Edward’s POV that was partially leaked online in 2008. „I’m just not writing about vampires right now,“ Meyer clarified.
But she indicated that „Twilight“ characters Jacob and Renesmee, the half-vamp/half-human child of Edward and Bella, could be popping up in literary form again soon.
What she IS writing about is „a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.“
As for the upcoming two-part conclusion to the „Twilight“ film series, Meyer seems more than satisfied by Kristen Stewart’s performance. „She’s created a new character,“ Meyer explained. „I was really impressed. I’ve only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn’t have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing.“
Meyer turned to the film’s possible ending, indicating that it would wrap up „when Bella opens her eyes as a vampire. That’s the way it’s been shot. They can still do it any other way, but I think that’s the general idea. You kind of have to get there in the first film. That way you have all the time in the world to explore being a vampire and those exhilarating first moments.“
As of now, Meyer is OK with the idea of cutting the cord to the popular series. „I don’t know when it’s going to get me,“ she says, „but I know it will, and at that point I’m going to be a sobbing mess on the floor.“
„The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn“ has been filming in Vancouver since mid-February. Part 1 will open nationwide on Nov. 18, with Part 2 following in November 2012.

Stephenie Meyer talks Breaking Dawn and more with USA Today!

don’t know when it’s going to get me,“ she says, „but I know it will, and at that point I’m going to be a sobbing mess on the floor.“

VANCOUVER, B.C. — When Stephenie Meyer walks into a room of Twilight fans, there’s no doubt she’s their undisputed vampire queen.

Meyer, relaxed and happy to share, tells them plenty:
•On the illustrated guide: „My favorite part is the vampire histories. There’s a lot there that’s new. Alice’s (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria’s story is.“
•On whether she’ll ever write more books about Edward and Bella: „The story’s already been told, and I doubt I’ll ever write another series based on the same characters.“
•On the possibility she’d ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilight novel told from Edward’s viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008: „I’m hoping to do it someday because I know that’s what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they’ll want Midnight Sun, but I’m just not writing about vampires right now.“
•On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: „It’s a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don’t. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.“
•On another book she might complete and publish: „When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I’m not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it’s going to be big. It’s going to be 1,000 pages.“
•On the second book in her three-book adult science-fiction series that began with The Host in 2008: „I have the outline written and the first two chapters. I need to get on it.“
What Meyer says about the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, which because of the expansive story line is being told in two parts. (Part 1 is scheduled for release Nov. 18 and Part 2 in November 2012):
•The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. „It’s such an interesting mix,“ says Meyer. „It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.“
•On working with Pattinson and Lautner: „Rob is more like Jacob than Edward. He’s goofy, he’s funny, he doesn’t take much seriously. But he can turn Edward on like that (she snaps her fingers) when he needs to be Edward. Taylor’s who we hang out with most. He’s a lot like fun, happy Jacob.“
•On her expanded role as co-producer of the two new movies: „The big difference is just being there and seeing everything. I feel I’ve seen so much of the movie and really understand what it will look like. There are still a lot of compromises. That hasn’t changed. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but I have a producer credit, which is crazy.“
Some mysteries remain
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) „That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.“
At the end of Day 2’s discussions and a round of book signings and photo ops, Meyer sits down with USA TODAY to share more details about her busy life and filming Breaking Dawn. (This reporter was the only journalist invited to attend this international fan event.)
Meyer, 37, remains as warm and friendly as ever. She’s wearing form-fitting gray trousers, a floral T-shirt, a perfectly tailored jacket and killer gray satin slingback high heels.
Some of Breaking Dawn was filmed in Baton Rouge from October to mid-February, and Meyer’s husband, Pancho, now a stay-at-home dad, and their three sons Gabe, 13, Seth, 10, and Eli, 8, moved from Arizona to Baton Rouge to be with her. They then packed up and moved with her to Vancouver. Shooting is expected to wrap up sometime in April.
„I brought the whole zoo with me, including the dog and the tutors,“ says Meyer. „I knew I couldn’t be a producer and not have them there. So I thought I’d just go for it.“
Not having to worry about or miss her family has allowed her to spend the time she needs on set. She talks about the production with the caveat that everything and anything about it can change.
Fans, says Meyer, can expect a surprising performance when Stewart transforms from human to vampire. „She’s created a new character. I was really impressed. I’ve only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn’t have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing.“
Meyer says the first Breaking Dawn movie may end „when Bella opens her eyes as a vampire. That’s the way it’s been shot. They can still do it any other way, but I think that’s the general idea. You kind of have to get there in the first film. That way you have all the time in the world to explore being a vampire and those exhilarating first moments.“
It hasn’t hit her yet
On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward’s baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says, „I’ve only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don’t feel like it’s graphic. You’re not seeing it, but you know what’s happened. It’s emotional. It doesn’t feel horror-ish. There’s blood, probably the most blood we’ve ever seen in the series. But everything’s in flux; we’ll see in the final cut.“
With the second Breaking Dawn movie not out until 2012, Meyer’s emotional connection to the Twilight world will be an intimate one for months to come. She’s waiting for the moment when the finality of it hits.
„I don’t know when it’s going to get me,“ she says, „but I know it will, and at that point I’m going to be a sobbing mess on the floor.“

Stephenie Meyer wanted Emily Browning to play the role of Bella!

With the highly buzzed-about, girl-power action/fantasy flick „Sucker Punch“ hitting theaters in just a few days (Friday, March 25, to be exact), actress Emily Browning is poised for super stardom.

But, it seems the 22-year-old has had fame knocking on her door for quite some time now. In a candid interview with, Emily revealed that not only had „Twilight“ scribeStephenie Meyer wanted her for the role of Bella Swan, but that she didn’t even bother auditioning for the part!

The Aussie actress told the website, „I chose not to audition,“ adding, „The author at one point stated that I would be her ideal Bella, but I chose not to audition because I was at a point in my career where I wasn’t sure I wanted to work, I definitely didn’t want to sign onto a trilogy so I didn’t audition.“


While a lot of people have blasted her for saying „no“ to „Twilight,“ she insists she did not turn it down, just that there were a lot of ongoing „battles“ and her decision „was really just as simple as I don’t want to work right now.“

But it’s not the only time Emily, who was last seen in 2009’s chiller „The Uninvited,“ has had the opportunity to star in a big screen adaptation of a beloved YA franchise. The actress was amongst the scads of young women in Hollywood who were vying to be in „The Hunger Games,“ playing the coveted part of Katniss Everdeen, which, as we all know now, went to Jennifer Lawrence.

„I read for [‘Hunger Games’] a couple of times,“ Emily said. „But I think every single girl in Hollywood read for it a couple of times to be honest.“ Still, Emily pulled a move that most certainly wouldn’t have set well with many hardcore „Hunger Games“ fans. „I’ve never read the book to be honest—which I know is terrible of me.“

While the actress doesn’t seem to regret her decisions (and we’re sure that Kristen Stewart—who also just beat out Emily and scores of other starlets for the lead in „Snow White and the Huntsman„—most certainly doesn’t either!), she does admit it’s made it more difficult to choose—and discuss—future projects.

As she explained, „It’s always hard for me to talk about these kinds of things because I know there was a big deal with ‘Twilight’ and my involvement with people wanting me to do ‘Twilight,’ so I’m always like, ‘Oh, people love this book so much I don’t want to get involved, I don’t want to talk about it!’“

Though Emily had her apprehensions about joining „Twilight“ and „Hunger Games“ (a sort of unfathomable thing in our eyes, but, hey, to each her own!), it seems choosing Zack Snyder‘s eye-popping „Sucker Punch“ was a no-brainer, and ultimately, a life-changing decision for her.

Read more at hollywoodcrush
