Bill Condon talks to USA Today about making Breaking Dawn and working with Rob and Kristen

Director Bill Condon knew that bringing Stephenie Meyer’s young-adult novel Breaking Dawn to the big screen meant wading through some seriously intense themes not traditionally seen in a PG-13 film.

As he worked his way through the book to prep for shooting The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1, which opened at midnight Thursday, he was struck by the sheer number of plot points he refers to as „delicate issues.“

REVIEW: ‘Twilight’ gets older, wiser, better

„I was reading it going, ‘Wow, so much happens in this story,’ “ says Condon. „It certainly doesn’t play safe. It was daunting.“

Thankfully, the Oscar winner (for Gods and Monsters’ screenplay) found words of inspiration for his first foray into the world of teen fiction.
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Stephenie Meyer talks Breaking Dawn and more with USA Today!

don’t know when it’s going to get me,“ she says, „but I know it will, and at that point I’m going to be a sobbing mess on the floor.“

VANCOUVER, B.C. — When Stephenie Meyer walks into a room of Twilight fans, there’s no doubt she’s their undisputed vampire queen.

Meyer, relaxed and happy to share, tells them plenty:
•On the illustrated guide: „My favorite part is the vampire histories. There’s a lot there that’s new. Alice’s (Cullen) back story is one no one has known until now. And I think fans will be surprised at how much fun (Cullen nemesis) Victoria’s story is.“
•On whether she’ll ever write more books about Edward and Bella: „The story’s already been told, and I doubt I’ll ever write another series based on the same characters.“
•On the possibility she’d ever finish Midnight Sun, a Twilight novel told from Edward’s viewpoint that she nixed when parts of it were leaked online in 2008: „I’m hoping to do it someday because I know that’s what people want. No matter what book I put out from here to eternity they’ll want Midnight Sun, but I’m just not writing about vampires right now.“
•On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: „It’s a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There’s a little bit of magic, but it’s a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don’t. It’s pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she’s kind of cool.“
•On another book she might complete and publish: „When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I’m not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it’s going to be big. It’s going to be 1,000 pages.“
•On the second book in her three-book adult science-fiction series that began with The Host in 2008: „I have the outline written and the first two chapters. I need to get on it.“
What Meyer says about the filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, which because of the expansive story line is being told in two parts. (Part 1 is scheduled for release Nov. 18 and Part 2 in November 2012):
•The much-anticipated wedding of Edward and Bella has not been filmed yet, but Stewart is being fitted for the as-yet-unrevealed bridal gown. „It’s such an interesting mix,“ says Meyer. „It has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there’s an edge to it. It’s really beautiful. And then on Kristen — oh, she looks amazing in clothes —and in that dress she’s so lithe and unbelievable.“
•On working with Pattinson and Lautner: „Rob is more like Jacob than Edward. He’s goofy, he’s funny, he doesn’t take much seriously. But he can turn Edward on like that (she snaps her fingers) when he needs to be Edward. Taylor’s who we hang out with most. He’s a lot like fun, happy Jacob.“
•On her expanded role as co-producer of the two new movies: „The big difference is just being there and seeing everything. I feel I’ve seen so much of the movie and really understand what it will look like. There are still a lot of compromises. That hasn’t changed. It doesn’t make a huge difference, but I have a producer credit, which is crazy.“
Some mysteries remain
One question she won’t answer: whether the werewolf/shape shifter Jacob and Renesmee, the human/vampire hybrid child of Edward and Bella, could ever have children. (Jacob is a teenager, but baby Renesmee is aging at an accelerated rate.) „That is a question I’m reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I’ll go back to their story.“
At the end of Day 2’s discussions and a round of book signings and photo ops, Meyer sits down with USA TODAY to share more details about her busy life and filming Breaking Dawn. (This reporter was the only journalist invited to attend this international fan event.)
Meyer, 37, remains as warm and friendly as ever. She’s wearing form-fitting gray trousers, a floral T-shirt, a perfectly tailored jacket and killer gray satin slingback high heels.
Some of Breaking Dawn was filmed in Baton Rouge from October to mid-February, and Meyer’s husband, Pancho, now a stay-at-home dad, and their three sons Gabe, 13, Seth, 10, and Eli, 8, moved from Arizona to Baton Rouge to be with her. They then packed up and moved with her to Vancouver. Shooting is expected to wrap up sometime in April.
„I brought the whole zoo with me, including the dog and the tutors,“ says Meyer. „I knew I couldn’t be a producer and not have them there. So I thought I’d just go for it.“
Not having to worry about or miss her family has allowed her to spend the time she needs on set. She talks about the production with the caveat that everything and anything about it can change.
Fans, says Meyer, can expect a surprising performance when Stewart transforms from human to vampire. „She’s created a new character. I was really impressed. I’ve only really seen her as (the human) Bella, so to have her step up and change it in the right way — she didn’t have to talk to me. She knew. She knows the character so well now. She has really good instincts, and she looks amazing.“
Meyer says the first Breaking Dawn movie may end „when Bella opens her eyes as a vampire. That’s the way it’s been shot. They can still do it any other way, but I think that’s the general idea. You kind of have to get there in the first film. That way you have all the time in the world to explore being a vampire and those exhilarating first moments.“
It hasn’t hit her yet
On the filming of the birth of Bella and Edward’s baby, Renesmee, which in the novel is frightening and horrific, she says, „I’ve only seen a rough cut and there are pieces missing, but I don’t feel like it’s graphic. You’re not seeing it, but you know what’s happened. It’s emotional. It doesn’t feel horror-ish. There’s blood, probably the most blood we’ve ever seen in the series. But everything’s in flux; we’ll see in the final cut.“
With the second Breaking Dawn movie not out until 2012, Meyer’s emotional connection to the Twilight world will be an intimate one for months to come. She’s waiting for the moment when the finality of it hits.
„I don’t know when it’s going to get me,“ she says, „but I know it will, and at that point I’m going to be a sobbing mess on the floor.“

USA Today: Robert Pattinson: ‘Breaking Dawn’ and ‘Water For Elephants’ scenes

Lions and tigers and bears! (Cue the ‘Oh my!’) Those are real animals, not CGI, in Robert Pattinson’s new circus flick Water for Elephants, co-starring Reese Witherspoon (it’s out April 22). But with all those carnivores prowling around the 1930s-themed set, you’ll never believe which animal Pattinson feared most.The horses.

Scarier than having to throw meat into a lion’s cage? „I had to get knocked down by a horse. That was terrifying,“ Patz tells USA TODAY’s Andrea Mandell. „It was just one split second but (it was) a fully grown stallion…I’m kind of relatively scared of horses as well. I’m just glad I didn’t have to ride any of them. I’m not particularly good at horse riding.“

On a short break from shooting Breaking Dawn in Vancouver, he also offered up some Edward Cullen-style gossip. The main story line is „so far outside of the box,“ he says.“It’s really different from the other ones. There are some days on set just watching you go ‘How is this going to be PG-13?‘“ he said with a laugh. „It’s like totally ridiculous.“

Pattinson confirms he and Stewart have filmed the birth scene, and with a laugh, says the shooting was „kind of hilarious.“

He explains: „She has to have this pregnant suit on all the time, that was probably more annoying for her,“ he said. That’s not the only change you’ll see in Bella.


I can’t give too much away but there’s some bits, especially towards the end of the movie, she’s just like the polar opposite of any of the other (films),“ he says. „I mean, she’s a different person, which is cool. She looks completely different. She looks probably the most convincing vampire out of all of us.

Meaning what, exactly? „A lot of us look like we’re just from Mars,“ said Pattinson. „She’s kind of the smallest one, but she suits being a vampire.“

Next up: Breaking Dawn’s wedding shoot, scheduled for April. „That’s a hard scene too,“ he told us. Not to mention the flood of paparazzi who will try to get a shot of Bella and Edward headed down the aisle. „It’s been OK in Vancouver in terms of people showing up and trying to get stuff,“ says Rob. „I have a feeling the wedding is going to be the one with (paparazzi) parasailing in.“ Talk about a money shot.


Via Gossip_Dance

Wyck Godfrey Talks ‘Breaking Dawn’ with USA Today – Update from Baton Rouge *Spoilers*

Speaking from the Baton Rouge set where both installments of Breaking Dawn are shooting simultaneously, Wyck answered some of the Twi-faithful’s more pressing questions.
Q: Where does the story split in half?
A: „We basically want to take the audience through the emotional part of Bella’s journey as she becomes a vampire. The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth.“ The film ends just before she embarks on her supernatural transformation.
Q: The book has three segments, two of which present Bella’s point of view and a middle that’s devoted to the perspective of her rejected werewolf suitor, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). How is that handled?
A: „The story will break from her and follow Jacob throughout the course of the movie as he struggles with his own dilemma. There is a sense that as Bella and the Cullens (Edward’s makeshift vampire clan) deal with her pregnancy, the world is still turning outside with Jacob.“
Q: Why was Bill Condon, the Oscar-winning filmmaker best known for his musicals as the screenwriter of 2002’s Chicagoand the director of 2006’s Dreamgirls, selected as the director of the finale?
A: „These films have the most difficult stuff from a performance standpoint. With his history of directing, I can’t think of anyone who would be better at bringing out the best in an actor.“ Plus, the director, who did the 1995 sequel to Candyman, is a fright-fare enthusiast. „He has an appetite for the genre and a passion for the Twilight books and movies.“

Q: Considering what goes on during the torturous birth process, how can the rating be PG-13?

A: With Twilight’s core of under-18 fans, „it would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated.“ However, „this is based on a much more mature book. We need to progress and be more sophisticated.“ A compromise: Having the bloody, bone-crushing delivery be seen only through Bella’s eyes. „She is looking through the haze, experiencing pain and everything rushing around her. We only see what she sees.“
Q: How is the long-awaited consummation of Edward and Bella’s love portrayed?
A: Even though their physical relationship goes way beyond what was shown in the first three films, „it does not become soft porn. It is a legitimate and important part of the movie, romantic and sensual.“
Q: At the end of Breaking Dawn, about 70 or so vampires from around the world gather to face off with the Cullens and their allies plus Jacob’s wolf pack. How can you keep both portions of the storytelling equally compelling?
A: „The second half is more of an action film in terms of life-and-death stakes.“ But the domestic moments of the first film possess an emotional punch. „There are the pangs of newlywed tension that occur that are relatable even in a fantasy film. Marriage is not quite the experience that they thought it was.“
Q: Is there any chance that Condon could sneak in a musical number?
A: There might be traditional dancing at the wedding. But don’t expect any of the wolf pack to suddenly howl a tune or do a soft-shoe shuffle.
Although, as Godfrey jokes, „We just had a whole line of actors marching toward the camera. We could have them practice a chorus line with vampires doing kicks.“

USA Today: Celebrity Heat Index Rob #7 Kristen #10

#7 . Robert Pattinson 2,064 He has spent 2010 working hard on film projects and dodging interest in his relationship with Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart.

#10. Kristen Stewart 1,761 The actress has supposedly become engaged, wed and been impregnated by herTwilight co-star and rumored boyfriend Robert Pattinson.
