Fan pic of Kristen from Paris and OTR news


Noemie/OnTheRoad-themovieFR Fan encounter. Summarized in English  by @eurofabulous Thanks bb.
The fan, Noemie and her friends heard about Kristen being in Paris so they took the train a few hours later to meet over there and try to see her. She was alone at first and stopped in front a hotel where a few fans were. She asked them about it and they sent her to a different hotel but then her bff told her that Kristen  was seen at the exact hotel she was with those girls. (ashamed of these fans tbh)
As she got back to the hotel, she saw a van arrived. Kristen got out  and hugged a few fans. She looked tired but had a big smile on her face for her fans. Then that fan saw the On The Road, producer enter the hotel. she waited until he was alone and asked him a few questions about promo and he told her that the movie is done, there was never any technical problems with it, they just wanted to wait for a big occasion to attract as many people as possible (I’m guessing Cannes).
The next day, at night, she’s back in front of her hotel with the other fans. a van stops, her French bodyguard tells them she’s gonna meet them but that the papz should stay behind the fans. She gets out, signed a few autographs, it’s the chaos, everyone is taking pics. That girl got to take a pic of her friend with Kristen, then she fangirls about  Kristen was looking at her lens lol. she takes another pic but then the fans are surrounding her so they made her go inside. Then fans start to speculate over whether or not she’s gonna go out at night but then HBG comes down and told them ‘Kristen asked that they don’t freeze for her and should go home.’
The next day at 6:30am, she got out with her team but by the back door to avoid the papz.
You can read the detailed fan encounter in French at  OnTheRoad-themovieFR Noemie’s fan video and fan pics were posted here and here
Translation about ‘On The Road’ @vonch# OTR“No technical problems w/ the film either,The film is well and truly over.They plan to make it big,to attract wide audience as possible.“- acc. to @charlegillibert.
via @Vonch

via @Robstenation

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