Fan pic of Kristen from Paris and OTR news


Noemie/OnTheRoad-themovieFR Fan encounter. Summarized in English  by @eurofabulous Thanks bb.
The fan, Noemie and her friends heard about Kristen being in Paris so they took the train a few hours later to meet over there and try to see her. She was alone at first and stopped in front a hotel where a few fans were. She asked them about it and they sent her to a different hotel but then her bff told her that Kristen  was seen at the exact hotel she was with those girls. (ashamed of these fans tbh)
As she got back to the hotel, she saw a van arrived. Kristen got out  and hugged a few fans. She looked tired but had a big smile on her face for her fans. Then that fan saw the On The Road, producer enter the hotel. she waited until he was alone and asked him a few questions about promo and he told her that the movie is done, there was never any technical problems with it, they just wanted to wait for a big occasion to attract as many people as possible (I’m guessing Cannes).
The next day, at night, she’s back in front of her hotel with the other fans. a van stops, her French bodyguard tells them she’s gonna meet them but that the papz should stay behind the fans. She gets out, signed a few autographs, it’s the chaos, everyone is taking pics. That girl got to take a pic of her friend with Kristen, then she fangirls about  Kristen was looking at her lens lol. she takes another pic but then the fans are surrounding her so they made her go inside. Then fans start to speculate over whether or not she’s gonna go out at night but then HBG comes down and told them ‘Kristen asked that they don’t freeze for her and should go home.’
The next day at 6:30am, she got out with her team but by the back door to avoid the papz.
You can read the detailed fan encounter in French at  OnTheRoad-themovieFR Noemie’s fan video and fan pics were posted here and here
Translation about ‘On The Road’ @vonch# OTR“No technical problems w/ the film either,The film is well and truly over.They plan to make it big,to attract wide audience as possible.“- acc. to @charlegillibert.
via @Vonch

via @Robstenation

Fan encounters with Kristen (Paris)

@LoveTheStew Sooo ! I did see Kristen again tonight ! I came back to her hotel after school, i wasn’t really hoping but I thought I had to or I’d’regret it later. I arrived arround 5:45pm, there were a lot of fans there … I chatted with my friends , it was really nice, we were like sharing our stories and stuff. Arround 8:50pm we saw her car, and her french papz came to us saying “ she’s okay to meet you guys so stay in ( on ? ) line , be calm“ and stuff, everybody was really excited :). So she came off the van and she was all smiling and started to sign autograph 🙂 !! She took few pics and then she had to go because it was going a little bit too crazy I guess ! She was so so so pretty ! I think she was still wearing her VF make-up , and she was smiling , smiling and smiling again and touching her beautiful hair a lot ! She was wearing a white V-neck. She’s the best seriously… I mean we were like 30 , it could have been dangerous for her but she did stop !!!! Then i spoke a really few seconds with her french BG and I asked him “ so how is she ? Is she nice ? “ And he said “ she’s adorable ! “ And then i asked “ did she ask to stop or you did ? “ And he said “ I asked her “ do you wanna meet you fans we could do that , that that blahblahblah“ and she said „yes“ 😀 ! I took a video, i can’t upload it now, i posted few screencaps on my twitter though 😉 bye !! Lauren x

Fan encounter with Kristen in London yesterday (25/6)


„Kristen walked out the car, no one recognised her, and i screamed!! And she
around and i begged for a pic. And she did it, and i was like WE HAVE THE SAME GLASSES! AND SHE WAS CRACKING UP SAYING THANKYOU!!

Fan Encounter With Rob and Kristen from New Years Eve (Isle Of Wight)

The „little ugly doll toy“ she asked Rob to sign

I’m originally from the South Coast of England (where my best mate still lives) so we rented out a chalet on the Isle of Wight.

Let me just state, there was NO Stalking involved, I am the only person in my group that loves Twilight and Kristen.

We went to Ventor to a couple of the pubs on new years eve. There aren’t a huge amount of pubs and we were moving on to the next one when we stopped to get cash out. The guy in front of us looked familiar, and then i twigged it was Tom Stu!

Sure enough Rob was just behind him and Kristen walked past us with 2 other English girls (she is so little).

I couldn’t believe it but i didn’t say anything to them at the time. I was in shock a little (also mildy tipsy!) we continued with our pub crawl stopping off for a couple more drinks in another pub.

The final pub we got to at about ten to eleven in the evening and it was lovely so we decided to stay. Whilst goofing around with my best mate and having a smoke, I realised we were standing right in front of the Brit Pack!

Kristen hung out with the girls most of the time i was there (she didn’t seem to get bothered much at all and was chatting away)

Later we went inside and I bumped into Rob (not intentional I swear!) the place was packed and small we stood right beside Kristen and her group watching the band play. They were all kinda mock dancing but then so were we as many drinks had been consumed at this point.

I went to buy more drinks at the bar, and some bloke was asking Rob for a Picture, he very politely declined… but said he would sign something.

When i walked past I asked if he could sign a little ugly doll toy we had brought with us, which he did.
Que a very interesting drunken conversation.
The doll was blue and Rob wanted to know if it was racist to sign it! I laughed and said ‘I didn’t think so’ he asked if we were having a good night. I replied by saying yes but I’m a probably a bit too pissed! he said ‘yeah me too’!.

The clock chimed in twelve to old lang time there was kissing and hugging all round( sorry to say Rob and Kristen didn’t appear to kiss in the pub).

I went outside for another smoke after twelve, and Kristen Walked out with the two girls….
I went up to her and said something like ‘Hey I don’t want a picture or anything’ which made her instantly relax a little and i continued on to say that the runaways was my favourite film of this year, before i corrected myself and said last year ( i got a laugh 😉 and that her performance inspired me to ask for a guitar for christmas from my boyfriend.

She said that was *beep* awesome and Joan would be thrilled to hear that’
we chatted a little bit more before i said thanks happy new year, blah blah blah.

They all left at about quarter past twelve, we stayed at the pub drinking… a reporter came up and asked us some stuff and I told him to get bent! (drinking makes me feisty!!)

Fan Encounter With Kristen Stewart In Berlin

Срещнах Кристен Стюарт, когато тя беше в Берлин… тя беше толкова хубава.

Ние чакахме три дни пред хотела на Тейлър и Кристен…Първият ден тя не се появи. Вторият ден също не се появи, но Тейлър  се появи – той беше на 10 метра от нас и ни помаха , но това беше толкова чудесно. J

И на третият ден, тя най-накрая дойде, защото ние направихме постер за нея и Тейлър , където пишеше „ Кристен и Тейлър дадохте ни три дни. Молим да ни дадете само няколко минути!” И половин час по-късно дойде един ван , където тя беше седнала вътре и изпищяхме нещо като „ Кристен, моля те! Само за една снимка!” и след няколко минути видяхме едно малко лице, което се показа отвътре. Аз си направих снимка с нея  и после я попитах „ Може ли да те прегърна ?!” и тя се усмихна толкова сладко и каза „ Да, разбира се!” както казва винаги. 😀 Това беше най-хубавият ден, който съм имала някога… Тя беше толкова хубава и мила и забавна  и и и … тя беше удивителна.

you can read in english

Fan Encounter With Kristen Stewart In Berlin

I met Kristen when she was in Berlin .. she was so nice ..
We waited in front of her & Taylor’s hotel for 3 days ..The first day she didn’t show herself . At the second day she also didn’t show but Taylor did – with a 10 metre distance he waved us but it was pretty wonderful 😀
And the third day she finally came ’cause we made a poster for her & taylor where was written „Kristen & Taylor you gave us 3 days. Please give us just a few minutes !“ And a half hour later there was coming a van where she was sitting in & we screamed things like „Kristen please ! Just for a photo !“ and a few minutes later I saw a little person lol running up the gateway 😀 And I got a photo with her & then I asked her “ Can I hug you ?!“ and she smiled so sweet and said „Yeah sure“ like she always says ;D It was the best day ever *__* She was so nice and pretty and cool and funny and and and .. lol she was amazing.
