This is totally Rob and Kristen

Tom and his Girlfriend


I have never made any comments here before but felt I should as I was there. The Lobster Pot is our local pub and we go there every New Years Eve, we saw Rob and Kristen last year and when they came into the pub they looked over and said hello as though they remembered us, (I doubt very much they did) but it made us feel kind of nice. Anyway, they are kissing, it didn’t last long but my friend and I both sighed. Trouble is I think now the papz have got wind of their destination, I don’t think they’ll come back. Apparently the police were called at another place they visited because about 300 fans and dozens of photographers had the cafe surrounded. They are such nice people, no airs and graces at all and Kristen, despite all the bad press is so friendly. Rob said, see you all next year, before they left. i just hope they do.


New Details On Rob Pattinson & Kristen Stewart’s New Year’s Eve — Police Were Called!

Rob &; Kristen’s romantic weekend on the Isle of Wight turned into a fan frenzy!

It’s official: Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, are never safe from Twi-hards. The couple, on a break from filming Breaking Dawn, were “hoping to blend in and not be noticed” during a romantic New Year’s Eve trip to the UK’s Isle of Wight, the largest island in South East England known for it’s natural beauty and gorgeous resorts — but things didn’t quite go according to plan, The Isle of Wight Gazette is reporting.

Rob and Kristen were reliving their romantic trip from last New Years Eve, which they also spent on the Isle of Wight. Along with 20 of their friends, Rob and Kristen had dinner Dec. 31 at the Spyglass Inn in Ventnor –and they loved the restaurant so much, they went back Jan. 1 and ate Jacket Potatoes and side salads. Jacket Potatoes, which cost about $12 each, are baked whole in the oven with different fillings, some of which are prawns, chili, tuna, chicken, and cheese and beans.

It seems like the couple couldn’t have picked a more desirable location. The restaurant is perfect for an extravagant New Years dinner – the Ventnor is a beautiful seaside resort that was established in the Victorian era and was built on cliffs that lead down to the sea. The Spyglass Inn, a famous pub, gives amazing views of the English Channel and offers award-winning seafood dishes. The Spyglass boasts an extensive collection of seafaring items for diners to admire, and a menu of fresh seafood caught by local fisherman. The menu is heavy on the fish, including food such as king prawns, Fisherman’s Pie, lemon sole and tuna steaks.

According to a source from The Spyglass Inn, Rob and Kristen were recognized from last year by the staff, and they “mingled in really well with the locals.” The source said, “No one really bothered them inside the restaurant – they were pretty unnoticed.” That definitely wasn’t the case outside the restaurant!

Fans followed Robsten everywhere they went — and they came armed with camera phones. About 300 Twi-hards swarmed the couple at the Sea Breeze Cafe in East Cowes Jan. 2 and according to The Isle of Wight Gazette’s Twitter, police were called to the scene. A few of the fans that swarmed the cafe even got to meet Rob and Kristen – one fan tweeted that R-Patz’s friends seemed protective of him as the paparazzi tried to take pictures. Another fan was even lucky enough to get Rob’s autograph on a small blue doll – she wrote on Robsessed that Rob declined to take photos and said he was a “bit too pissed” (meaning he was a little drunk). The fan kept an eye on the couple, but didn’t see them kiss at midnight. The fan also got to talk to Kristen about The Runaways – and once Kristen knew she didn’t want a picture, the fan said the star “instantly relaxed” and they talked for a little while. spoke with an editor who was present during the frenzy, and he tells us Rob became upset and asked the crowd to leave him alone.


Fan Encounter With Rob and Kristen from New Years Eve (Isle Of Wight)

The „little ugly doll toy“ she asked Rob to sign

I’m originally from the South Coast of England (where my best mate still lives) so we rented out a chalet on the Isle of Wight.

Let me just state, there was NO Stalking involved, I am the only person in my group that loves Twilight and Kristen.

We went to Ventor to a couple of the pubs on new years eve. There aren’t a huge amount of pubs and we were moving on to the next one when we stopped to get cash out. The guy in front of us looked familiar, and then i twigged it was Tom Stu!

Sure enough Rob was just behind him and Kristen walked past us with 2 other English girls (she is so little).

I couldn’t believe it but i didn’t say anything to them at the time. I was in shock a little (also mildy tipsy!) we continued with our pub crawl stopping off for a couple more drinks in another pub.

The final pub we got to at about ten to eleven in the evening and it was lovely so we decided to stay. Whilst goofing around with my best mate and having a smoke, I realised we were standing right in front of the Brit Pack!

Kristen hung out with the girls most of the time i was there (she didn’t seem to get bothered much at all and was chatting away)

Later we went inside and I bumped into Rob (not intentional I swear!) the place was packed and small we stood right beside Kristen and her group watching the band play. They were all kinda mock dancing but then so were we as many drinks had been consumed at this point.

I went to buy more drinks at the bar, and some bloke was asking Rob for a Picture, he very politely declined… but said he would sign something.

When i walked past I asked if he could sign a little ugly doll toy we had brought with us, which he did.
Que a very interesting drunken conversation.
The doll was blue and Rob wanted to know if it was racist to sign it! I laughed and said ‘I didn’t think so’ he asked if we were having a good night. I replied by saying yes but I’m a probably a bit too pissed! he said ‘yeah me too’!.

The clock chimed in twelve to old lang time there was kissing and hugging all round( sorry to say Rob and Kristen didn’t appear to kiss in the pub).

I went outside for another smoke after twelve, and Kristen Walked out with the two girls….
I went up to her and said something like ‘Hey I don’t want a picture or anything’ which made her instantly relax a little and i continued on to say that the runaways was my favourite film of this year, before i corrected myself and said last year ( i got a laugh 😉 and that her performance inspired me to ask for a guitar for christmas from my boyfriend.

She said that was *beep* awesome and Joan would be thrilled to hear that’
we chatted a little bit more before i said thanks happy new year, blah blah blah.

They all left at about quarter past twelve, we stayed at the pub drinking… a reporter came up and asked us some stuff and I told him to get bent! (drinking makes me feisty!!)

2 New Rob’s Pic from IOW ( )

As other Hollywood celebs were living it up around the globe, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart opted for a low-key New Year’s Eve and celebrated in a small pub on the Isle of Wight.
The Hollywood couple shunned the glitz and glamour opting to ring in the New Year at The Spyglass Inn in Ventnor.
Robert, 24, and Kristen, 20, enjoyed a night surrounded by friends, drinking, singing and posing for pictures with star-struck fans.

The family pub, which sits on the Ventnor Esplanade, is a favourite haunt for the couple who celebrated New Year’s Eve there last year.

One onlooker told local reporters: ‘We were hoping they would come back to the pub again this year and when they walked through the door no-one could quite believe it.
‘They seemed like a really sweet, down to earth couple with no airs or graces. There was a live band playing and they were bopping along to the music and enjoying themselves.

Good times: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart chatted to friends and fans and were also seen singing as the New Year arrived
‘Robert looked as if he was drinking some sort of short and then they went out on to the seafront for a while.
Robert was dressed in a black hooded jumper and leather jacket and wore a black hat.
Kristen also rugged up in black, perhaps in an attempt to avoid attention and the couple’s relaxed attire mirrored the informal celebrations.
The couple seemed happy to chat to fans and posed for a picture with aspiring actress Hattie Bury.

Many excited revelers took to Twitter to announce their sightings of the Hollywood couple who are nicknamed Robsten by fans.
The couple returned to the pub yesterday for New Year’s Day lunch with a number of friends but were followed by photographers.
Oonagh Keith of Wimbledon tweeted:’Oh Dear!! the Paps have found Robert Pattinson at the Spyglass Inn – their friends are trying to persuade the paps to leave’

Pictures of Rob and Kristen in IOW

Още снимки на Роб и Кристен от острова. Изтлежда този остров им е харесал доста 😀

Updated with more pics source via fiercebitchstew
Other guys in the pic, may be, models, Jamie Dornan and Jamie Strachan.
It wasn’t such a great New Year’s Eve for Twilight Stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who were hoping to celebrate the New Year on the Island unnoticed.

A twitter frenzy followed after a fan spotted the pair on an inbound hovercraft to the Island on Thursday.

Friends of the couple who spoke exclusively to “The Gazette” said” Robert and Kristen were hoping to blend in and not be noticed but unfortunately that didn’t happen.”
It improved impossible after the pair spent New Years eve at the Spyglass Inn in Ventnor. The couple and their entourage of 20 friends were spotted at the Spyglass on Friday night and returned for a bite to eat of Jacket Potatoes and side salads again this afternoon.

Pattinson and Stewart were trying to avoid being the center of attention but their fame proved impossible.

After rumors hit the web that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had gotten into a fight over Kristen spending Christmas Eve with her “On The Road” co-star Garrett Hedlund, the pair were spotted walking on the beach in Ventor

The Gazette managed to obtain an exclusives picture of the couple clearly showing the romance was back on despite rumours of there break over Christmas.

First FanPic and Story of Rob & Kristen in Isle Of Wight!

From the woman who met them:

Yep they’re over here alright. Got a picture with them both. He was lovely and very chilled…she was different. However I’m very happy that i got the opportunity to meet them both.

Some people say she’s rude but i mean it was New Years eve so it was pretty intrusive of me to ask for a photo. I just didn’t want to let a moment like that go if you know what i mean. I’m never going to see them again so asked and luckily they agreed to have a photo with me.

They were outside on the sea front with a group of friends. It was nice coz everyone was really chilled. Me and my friend spotted him. He was just chatting to his friends and Kristen went somewhere and when she came back she went to him and they were both chatting with a guy whilst having some drinks. They sparked up so i waited until afterwards to i could ask them for a photo. My friend went up and spoke to Kristen who seemed shocked. Probably because they seem to have grabbed no attention what-so-ever so a couple of overly grinning fans wasn’t the first wish she had for New Year :S I took the photo and then asked if i could have one. Wished them a Happy New Year then went away very quickly, didn’t want to annoy them any more than i had already :S
