Kristen Stewart is Chicken Lickin’ Good via @VanityFair

Be sure to check out Justin Bishop’s Vanity Fair slideshow of the Spandex strutters’ ball that is Comic-Con.

Yesterday a man strolled by dressed as Colonel Sanders, carrying a prop chicken bucket. A rather antiquarian costume choice, I thought, unlikely to score many points with the gods, gladiators, zombies, vampiras, Disney cuties, and mutant experiments gone awry dominating the snaking scene, but perhaps he was taking part in some sort of „skit.“

After the Snow White and the Huntsman rollout in hallowed Hall H, I was remarking to Justin how tired Kristen Stewart’s affected emo shtick had gotten, how she slumps in her chair on stage half-turned to the audience (while all of her fellow panelists faced front), hanging her head as if all of the fame were too much and too new for her, swallowing her answers and hiding behind her hair. Given the dozens of press and fan events she’s done, when is she going to stop acting like a teenager dragged out of her room to the dinner table?

To which a young fan of restricted height but loyal fierceness, overhearing us, wheeled her head around and said: „Kristen’s not pretending, she’s just REALLY SHY!

I stand corrected.

New/Old Videos of Kristen ! Various Interviews/People talking about her

Kristen Stewart Photoshoot – Vanity Fair Uncut

Kristen Stewart Fangoria Radio Interview

Bruce Dern on Kristen Stewart (Wow im tearing up)

Jesse L. Martin on Kristen Stewart

Aaron Stanford on Kristen Stewart in The Cake Eaters

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Via robstendreams

Emma Roberts talks about the Vanity Fair cover with Blake, Kristen & Amanda

JJ: When I think of you, I remember the Vanity Fair cover you did with Blake Lively, Kristen Stewart and Amanda Seyfried, and all four of you have become so famous since then.

ER: That was a fun cover. It was really funny because it was before anyone had anything. I remember we all thought we were such an odd group, and I had actually just come from taking my SATs that day to shoot that cover. That’s how long ago that was. I remember thinking, “How weird.” Tt’s just weird to look back on it.

JJ: Do you keep in touch with anyone from that shoot?

ER: When I see them I am friendly with all of them. I really love all of them for different reasons, as far as their careers. They have all done some great movies. I’m not on a texting basis with them, but I think they are all really


Via Gossip_Dance

Flashback:Vanity Fair Honored Kristen Stewart a Year Before Twilight Mania Began.

Original post 2/13/09

Vanity Fair knows exactly who’s in and who’s not. Back in 2007, the magazine featured Kristen Stewart for their “Vanities Section” even before the Twilight mania began.

Since September 2006, Vanity Fair has been featuring a full-page 50s-styled pinup portrait of a promising young star the magazine chooses for each month. The magazine describes the pinup featured stars as “names you need to know and faces you won’t have trouble remembering.”On April 2007, Kristen Stewart became one of these featured stars as seen on the picture (above) photographed by James White. On the Vanity Fair website:


Age: 17. Provenance: North Hollywood, California. You first glimpsed her as … Jodie Foster’s doppelgänger daughter in Panic Room (2002). “[Director] David Fincher does a lot of takes,” Stewart says. “There was this one scene we must have done, like, 80 times. I didn’t know that it wasn’t the norm. Now I wouldn’t be as chill with it … ” Because now she’s a prolific industry veteran, with four films due out this year. Namely, In the Land of Women, The Messengers, The Cake Eaters (the directorial debut of Mary Stuart Masterson, with Stewart in the lead role), and Sean Penn’s Into the Wild, based on the Jon Krakauer book. But is this the life for her? Not necessarily: “I want to go to college for literature. I want to be a writer. I mean, I love what I do, but it’s not all I want to do – be a professional liar for the rest of my life.” Still, Kristen’s no brooder: “I love big-band music, and I’m taking swing classes now. I can’t wait till I’m going to be able to be tossed up in the air.”


Yes, Kristen has been acting since she was 8, but it was only until she became Bella Swan in Twilight film and played opposite Robert Pattinson did Kristen Stewart became an international star. With the Twilight sequel “New Moon” to start filming on March, and three films (“Welcome to the Rileys,” “The Runaways” and “K-11″) on the works, Vanity Fair had their prediction spot on.

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Via Gossip_Dance